Find out why "protecting" an Angular application is actually a misnomer
Build a user registration form and keep new user records in a Mongo database
Store passwords properly by salting and hashing them with bcrypt
Move data to MongoDB and implement cookie and session authentication to protect it. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of session-based authentication for single page apps
Refactor the app to use JSON Web Tokens for authentication. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of JSON Web Tokens and where they fall short
Learn how to add client-side route protection by preventing unauthorized users from accessing certain routes
Simplify the process of attaching JSON Web Tokens to HTTP requests. Respond to unauthorized requests and reroute users back to the login screen
Add a user role to grant privileges and allow or dissallow requests based on that role
Mitigate some of the most common attacks such as CSRF and XSS. Implement an assortment of protections to keep the front end and backend safe
Screencast Lessons
Sample Applications